Update on Princes Circe

Group Notice From: Peachy Sassoon

Greetings m'lord and ladies of Godiva attached is a notecard sent to me from Circe's partner. She speaks to him almost daily. She still needs our thoughts and prayers.  On the notecard is also the LM to our Godiva spot where you can come and place out a candle for her.  I will be sending alot to Vincent a notecard with names and messages from the candles so he may read them to her over the phone.

Your Queen Peachy


Greetings m'lord and ladies of Godiva and friends of Godiva. I bring to you an update.

 Princess Circe is talking, but remains in ICU. IF you want to send your kind thoughts or prayers, please come to the Island of Godiva where you can place a candle out for her. The Landmark to Godiva is in the previous posting.

hugs with chocolates
your Queen Peachy

PS: Yes, the Island of Godiva, I am clearing space in my sim for a place for us Godivans to call home... surprise :-)