Greetings M'lords and Ladies of Godiva,

I would like to give you all a heads up this year about something special that always seems to happen in December. We have some new people in Godiva that was not here last year or even in Tiny Empires so this is just to share with them and a gentle reminder to the rest of us.

There is a Special Christmas Trader and it seems to happen on Dec 24. Please have a look at our blog which Princess Ener Bing has taken such good care in posting items for us all to share. And if ya has any news you would like for Princess Ener Bing to post about send her an im she is always looking for something to post on our blog.

On the right hand side you will see a list of dates click on 2010
The first thing that pops up is about the Christmas Trader. This is what I would like for you to pay attention to.
Also I would like to remind you about your downline.. Take the time to know who is below you and show them some love of chocolates for in return they will love you 3 fold.

Hugs with Chocolates
Queen Peachy Sassoon