Sunday, 30 May 2010 06:50:26 GMT

M'lord and ladies of Godiva..... It saddens me to bring this message to you all. Princess Circe Broom has been placed in a hospital. Please take a moment to send healing wishes and prayers to her in spirit. Tomorrow I will have a place set up for those of you wishing to light a candle for her.

Godspeed Circe Broom

Greetings Godiva's

As you all know I send out a group message Sat 5/29/10 about our Princess Circe Broom. Now here is the place you can come and send your prayers/healing thoughts. I will do my best to keep you all updated on her. For now she needs all thoughts and prayers sent her way. Landmark is attached to the bottom of this notecard. Please feel free to pass this notecard around.

Circe Broom is a very special person to ALOT of people, she is the reason there is LIVE music here in Second Life. She is the "QUEEN of Live Music".

Hugs with Chocolates
Your Queen Peachy

Queendom of Godiva