Happy Season's Merry Everything Greetings! With lots of choki of course *giggles* May your family not drive you completely bonkers and if you're a drinker may you not develop alcohol poisoning........ If they do drive you nuts and you don't drink, now is a good time to start......*cough* um....wait....nvm... *puts down the bottle* There is always AA...

Wanted to send you some yummy chocki to say thank you for making Godiva so fun. You guys make everything better like smooth milk choki......

Your Sultry Celestial Princess
(and Royal Scribe of this blog),
~ Imelda Whitfield

Special Santa Trader.......

A Message from our Queen that was posted in the Godiva chat:

I have attached a notecard to this, please read it and keep your eyes open for him. Please also send a group notice out so others may know that he is coming. Mark it the month and year from your hud and the SL time. Thanks

Hugs with Chocolates
your Queen

(Notecard in English then Danish then French using Google Translator so apologies for any strange wording in Danish or French!)

1) It seems to cost zero gold to do the SPECIAL TRADER

2) last year there were 3 Special Traders who showed up in a 48 hour time span.each costing 0g to 10 g

3) if he shows up, please get notice sent to the group for those who are not online know when he was around ... have sl time and date in the notice:>

4) enjoy!!!

(courtesty of Muffy Babii, Kingdome of Bristol as written in teh Tiny Empires chat at 12:32 am sl )
 the moon shines  its light on the alley below hundreds of candles give off a fair glow.  and what to your wondering eyes is displayed, a mysterious stranger preparing to trade

his eyes, how they pierce you! his cloak makes you wary. you cant look away, but this is quite scary

 a wink of his eye and a nod of his head soon lts you know  you have nothing to dreAD

   he says not a word but goes right to work he writes on a card with a mischievious asmirk. he offers the card and a smile most kind its yous at no cost should you be inclined

 he packs up his cart to his horse gives a shout  he rolls away slowly to follow his route yeou hear him exclaim as he moves out of sight happy christmas to all and to all a good night

(Notecard på engelsk derefter danske derefter franske bruger Google Translator så undskylder for eventuelle mærkelige formulering på dansk eller fransk!) 

1) Det ser ud til at koste nul guld til at gøre det SÆRLIGE ERHVERVSDRIVENDE 

2) sidste år var der 3 Særlige Erhvervsdrivende, som dukkede op i en 48 timers tid span.each koster 0g til 10 g 

3) hvis han viser dig, kan du få meddelelse sendt til gruppen for dem, der ikke er online vide, hvornår han var omkring ... har sl tid og dato i meddelelsen:> 

4) nyde! 

*** Dette er de ERHVERVSDRIVENDE stillinger, som er set *** 
(courtesty af Muffy Babii, Kingdome of Bristol som skrevet i Tommelise Imperier chat på 12:32 sl) 
  månen skinner sit lys på gyde nedenfor hundredvis af stearinlys afgive en retfærdig glød. og hvad med din undrende øjne vises, en mystisk fremmed forberedelse til handel 

hans øjne, hvordan de er ført igennem dig! hans kappe gør du på vagt. du cant kigge væk, men det er temmelig skræmmende 

  et kys i hans øjne og en lille lur i hans hoved snart LTS du ved, du har intet at frygte 

    han siger ikke et ord, men går ret til at arbejde, han skriver på et kort med en drilsk asmirk. han tilbyder kortet og et smil de fleste slags sin yous uden omkostninger bør du være tilbøjelige 

  han pakker sin vogn til hans hest giver en råber han ruller væk langsomt at følge hans rute yeou høre ham udbryde som han bevæger sig ud af syne Glædelig jul til alle og til alle en god nat

*** SPECIAL SANTA TRADER TIME a commencé !!*** 
(Notecard danois, en anglais puis en français puis en utilisant Google Translator excuses de toute façon étrange libellé en danois ou en anglais!) 

1) Il semble que le coût zéro pour l'or SPECIAL TRADER 

2) l'année dernière il y avait 3 Special Traders qui se sont présentées en 48 heures span.each coût 0g à 10 g 

3) si il montre, s'il vous plaît, en demeure adressée au groupe pour ceux qui ne sont pas en ligne quand il a été d'environ ... ont sl la date et l'heure dans l'avis:> 

4) profiter! 

(permission du Muffy Babii, Kingdome de Bristol écrite dans le petit chat Empires à 12:32 am sl) 
  la lune brille la lumière sur la ruelle au-dessous des centaines de bougies donnent une juste éclat. et ce à votre demande les yeux est affiché, un mystérieux étranger à la préparation de commerce 

ses yeux, la façon dont ils vous percer! son manteau fait de vous méfier. vous ne détourne le regard, mais il est assez effrayant 

  un clin d'oeil de l'œil et un hochement de tête dès lts vous savez que vous n'avez rien à redouter 

    explique-t-il pas un mot mais va droit au travail, il écrit sur une carte avec un malicieux asmirk. il offre la carte, et un sourire plus aimable de ses yous sans frais si vous êtes enclin 

  il packs de sa charrette à cheval donne un cri, il roule lentement à suivre sa route yeou entendre s'exclamer comme il se déplace hors de la vue, Joyeux Noël à toutes et à tous une bonne nuit

Some of you have had the priviledge of getting to know one of my subs and friend, Wrong Wright. (Isn't that a GREAT name??????) Well it seems that a few days ago he was caught with his Royal pants down when the Trader came thru town! Of course the Trader waits for no one so no matter HOW you are dressed, you must go!!!!

If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Wrong, do come to a Trader sighting at Drama Libre. We would love to have you there. You just might get an acre or 2 and you will definitely make a new friend. We don't mind what you wear obviously........as long as you wear SOMETHING! *giggles*

Straight from the Emporer to our Queen Peachy.

The Wherefores and Details Thereof:

Greetings Terra Aureans,

Monarchs of large kingdoms now have the ability to grant viceregal powers to certain eligible people within their kingdoms. People with these powers are known as Viceroys (male) or Vicereines (female), from the Latin and French, meaning "in place of the King."

Viceroys have some of the powers of the monarchy, but they can only affect their direct downlines, people below them in the hierarchy.  Currently, a Viceroy can assign custom titles and purchase tracts of land to distribute to their downlines.

In addition, each monarch can appoint one person to be the kingdom's Grand Viceroy/Vicereine. A Grand Viceroy can affect the entire kingdom.  They will be able to assign titles throughout the entire kingdom, and purchase a tract of land for all. Grand Viceroys may have other abilities as well.

If you have any questions, your monarch has been given more detailed information about the Viceroy appointment.

Emperor Soleil

Drama Libre has once again been the site of a recent Trader event. Hope you enjoy this latest batch of pics. Thanks for sending them in! Keep them coming! (note: not all the pics are on the blog so to see them all go to http://www.flickr.com/people/queendomofgodiva/ there you will see a link to our photostream and everything y'all have submitted so far should be there. 

To submit pics, you may send them to Queen Peachy or to Imelda Whitfield. Info is on my 2nd life tab of my profile if you have several and don't want to upload them.

We have an answer directly from the Emporer conscerning the Gold Bars:

Ultralite Soleil: The thing with the gold bars is....there is no way to use them now. I have something under development, but with RL and such, it's taking a lot longer to get it in the game. It will be cool and worth the wait. In the meanwhile I have turned off the discovery of new bars until there is a way to use them. They will eventually be easier to get, and they will be really worth something. But of course once that happens you'll never hear any comment from me about them :) They were extremely unlikely to find. After being available for weeks, only about 400 were ever found.

So, hope that will clear up your questions about the gold bar situation and please stay posted for them to return. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Our Queen and her Prince????

We know our beloved Queen Peachy and Prince Xerxes well but I bet you never saw them like THIS!

(aren't they ADORABLE?!?!?!?! *smile*) Prince Xerxes made the avatars from what I was told Great job!

Oktoberfest '08

Was this the LONGEST year of our ENTIRE LIFE or was it just me? Anywho chocoholics I wanted to share some photos from the Oktoberfest when some of us got together and waited for the Trader to come thru town. Even though it did take a little longer than usual, you can see we still had a GREAT time dancing to the tunes over at Drama Libre. Hope you all will join us next time!

OK I have been working on getting pics up for us because one of my fave things to do in SL is take photos. So, if you have a photo of ANYONE in our Queendom and would like to share it, please let me know. If you have signed up for a flickr account, (www.flickr.com), you may find all of the photos I have uploaded so far under Queendom of Godiva as well. Here is the direct link http://www.flickr.com/people/queendomofgodiva/ If you would like to add yourself as a contact, that would be GREAT! This isn't a requirement or anything it's just something fun to do.

As a word of caution, I know we are all grown or at least suppose to be but i have to say this. Please do not post any naked pics on the page. I love running around naked as much as anyone but people don't always want to see your business flappin' in the breeze! Anything else tho, funny, silly, or serious most definitely can be posted. If you would rather I do it for you it is fine to send it to me also.

Thanks for your cooperation and I hope you enjoy as this is my first time to do this! Here are some pics that I have been given and some that I have taken myself:

I was discussing with someone the other day about our Queendom and the conversation went along to alts and multiple version of SL. I realized my friend didn’t know that this was possible to do so being the helpful person I try to be I shared what knowledge I have obtained.

So, CAN YOU RUN MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF SL? While we don’t encourage it yes, it can be done. Alts are permitted and are often used in SL. For a VERY long time yours truly was totally against them until I found it necessary to think otherwise. Anywho, back to business. In order to run multiple versions of SL you need to go to the properties of the SL shortcut button and remove the string -set SystemLanguage en-us and replace it with a space then –multiple (ex: "C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe" -set SystemLanguage en-us –multiple) You can also invest in a program such as SL Starter which will allow you to run multiple clients and also manage your usernames and passwords.

Now what you DO with an alt IMHO is YOUR business I am just passing information along so please dont shoot the messenger *grins*. I will say this Alts are alot of work!!! Think wisely before getting one because for me, keeping ONE SL life is hard ‘nuff lol. It's your choice if you wish to make your alts public or keep their identity personal.

What you CANNOT DO under ANY circumstances is use a “bot” in TE. If you are found doing so not only will you be ejected from Godiva but you stand to be ejected from the game as well. See the TE main group past notices for more info on that one....directly from the Emporer's mouth erm, computer lol.

If you DO decide to use your alt in TE can you use them to benefit your liege and the Queendom?

Well yes you can do that too but if you use the alt is just to help bring in new people, or to help your subjects, you must try to continue playing them as best as possible in order to help your liege grow. We don’t want to create "dead players" under your subjects because nobody likes having to do ALL the work right? Soooooo, here are some tips on how you can use your alt to help your liege:

1. Alts can be used to take in new citizens for those that are using the Fed HUD.

2. Alts can be used to fix line breaks and boost players so you can merge lines or repair them.

3. You can offer to place your alt as a sub when bribing someone. This will boost all the players in the new line and thus help everyone in the line.

4. If a subject in your line is struggling with the game or considering leaving, you can place your alt under this subject so they can have someone earning acres and extra gold.

5. Alts can be used to bring in brand new players the Emporer assigs to the Queendom if you or others in the line are too high in rank to accept a Squire/ess or Wanderer.

These are just a few of the suggestions you can do with your alt. Personally yes, I have one and he/she/it does play TE. I use him/her/it mostly to camp which is the reason I got an alt so I can earn lindens lol BUT while camping, he/she/it also earns gold as well. And yes my alt is pretty much kept to myself.

Just remember, it is just a game……and please play it for the right reason…….its about the friendships we are creating in TE not about who is the #1 Queen/Kingdom in the Empire. Its nice to be #1 but if there is one thing I have learned in the past few months its this. I’d rather be the 50th Queen/Kingdom in the Empire with just a handful of truly good people that I have come to know and love than to be #1 and have to step on folks and stab people in the back to get there. It’s really not worth it to lose friends over at least not mine.


It has been brought to the Queen's attention that a Royal Complaint has been filed in other Kingdoms and Queendoms conscerning Duke Kanki Aridian. He is a furry that has been causing mischief amoung the Empire and in thus doing so has caused himself to get a Royal Banning. One should take care if they should desire to bring him under them. So please, we ask that you refrain from bribing him to join us in the Queendom of Godiva until further notice.

Thank You

~The Royal Management

TE Fed Hud Research Info....

OK some of you have had questions about Research on the Fed HUD and what to do about it. I have asked some of my friends in other Kingdoms (ya i kno *sigh* sometimes you have to sneaky sneak outta the Queendom every now and then) BUT i did get some info for you:

Convo between "Mr. V" and I:

[20:46] Mr. V: If you do research 20 times in the same disaster you become immune to that disaster and you get a bounus
[20:46] Mr. V: but if you do research on a different one it starts all over[20:46] Imelda Whitfield: instead of the same one over and over?
[20:46] Mr. V: right.
[20:46] Mr. V: The bonus for crime is you are immune to sabatoge
[20:47] Mr. V: If you do diseaser the abbot brings you citizens
[20:47] Mr. V: If you do famine you get +3g/acre
[20:47] Imelda Whitfield: oh ty i have it now
[20:48] Imelda Whitfield: i want to do research and send food too grrrr[20:50] Mr. V: I got it off the Wiki
[20:50] Imelda Whitfield: o.0
[20:50] Imelda Whitfield:sigh
[20:50] Imelda Whitfield: i just read that thing a few weeks ago
[20:50] Imelda Whitfield: i can't keep up
[20:51] Mr. V: how about now?
[20:51] Imelda Whitfield: lol nooooooo lol
[20:51] Imelda Whitfield: but you splained it in an lang i understand[20:51] Imelda Whitfield: so im most grateful
[20:52] Mr. V: my pleasure

Taken STRAIGHT from the TE Wiki http://malixu.me.uk/tinyempires/index.php?title=Citizens :

The fourth option is quite new to the game. It is the chance to research the causes of the disaster, at a cost about double that of the high-cost option above. This will not gain citizens; a small loss is typically incurred on a par with the low-cost option.

But after 20 attempts at research for the same disaster, that disaster is permanently prevented and a significant bonus is received:

Famine: +3 gold forever. Congratulations! after extensive research, you've become and expert in the production of food, and you are now immune to famine. in addition you've gained 3g/acre efficency on your own land, totaling ..g/acre.

Disease: The abbot takes an interest in your work, and brings population at his visits as the word spreads. Congratulations! after extensive research, you've become an expert in preventing disease. You expect no more outbreaks. In addition, the abbot of the local monastery will also be seeking your newfound expertise.

Crime Wave: You and your direct subjects are immune from sabotage. Congratulations after extensive research you have become an expert in crime prevention , crime waves will no longer affect you in addition you and your direct subjects are immune from sabotage.

Note: A player can only be expert on one disaster. If one disaster is being researched, switching to another will strip away all progress made on the first disaster -- even if it was otherwise complete!


More info coming if I find out anything different.


is all about escaping from drama in Real and Second Life. We are an oasis of creativity, friendship, and fun for everyone.

We throw immersive theme parties twice a week, DJ'd by Krush Radio DJs. We tear down and rebuild the entire set you see every week to match our themes! Our event times are --

Sat 8pm to Sun 2am SL time
Thu 5pm to 9pm SL time

Look up and see the pictures form our last party and see how awesomely creative everyone gets! We have a rocking good time! Don't believe us? Come to one of our parties and find out! If you have any further questions, IM Xerxes Sismondi or Peachy Sassoon and we will be happy to answer them. No question too dumb or too small, for us to handle!


10. If you dIsturb our guests in any way, either physically or verbally, you will be banned.

9. If your inventory folder is actually organized, and you can actually find what you're looking for within 30 seconds, you will be dangled upside down while the rest of us pillage your inventory folder!

8. If you have any sexually explicit item visibly attached to or carried by your avatar, you will be banned.

7. If you cannot at recite at least one line from any of the Monty Python shows, you will be teased incomprehensibly!

6. If you discharge or engage a push/lag/teleport weapon during an event, you will be banned.

5. If you smell like dead fish, you will be doused in whiskey... better to be thought of and treated as an alcoholic!

4. If you rez huge or numerous prims on the property that presents a visual or physical obstruction, or generates significant lag, without prior permission, you will be banned.

3. (Depending on how late we stayed up the night before building the set) If you are related or married to a Linden, you will be heckled, boo'd at, and possibly set on fire! Then we will grovel remorsefully at your feet so we don't get banned ourselves!

2. If you mess with our DJs or Hosts, and/or interfere with their duties, you will be banned.

1. If you know where the Cheetoes are, and don't share, you will be banned -- after we take away your Cheetoes!

Ascension Sunday 8/17/08

HOOOOOO! (Thats Dec 1125, for us of course lol ;p) Our beloved Queen Peachy Sassoon ascended and our new Kingdom erm, make that QUEENdom is formed! We are so happy to announce to the palace that Peachy Sassoon who ascended Sunday from the Kingdom of Charm and has now formed the Queendom of Godiva! *thunderous applause* "Long Live the Queen!"

Queen Peachy has been a long time member (like some of the rest of us) in the Kingdom of Charm for some time now but it is time for us to move on. Rumor has it that she had been in Charm since December '07 or January '08 (erm, i have no idea what that is in medieval time so hope we can all forgive this princess for her lack of memory *grin*).

While we are sad to leave King Rexx and the Charm Kingdom we are VERY excited about what lies ahead in the future for us! We know many of you are still friends with those in Charm, as am I, so PLEASE no bribes for Fiery Charm, Charmed Menagerie and the Kingdom of Charm until further notice. Thanks a bunch!

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