Thy titles - an update

Here's an update our beloved Queen made for the titles as she has issued them to Godiva's with the rank of Prince/Princess.
If your name is missing please send me on IM, and I will add you :) Noblesse Oblige!

~~~~~** GODIVA TITLES **~~~~~

Yasmina Jashan | African Princess
UtdKingdom Hastings | Protector
Col Twine | Cyano Princeps
Florry Blackmountain | 100 Percent Cocoa
Cliff Pessoa | The Unforgiven
Mzrene Mavendorf | Devilish Saint
Lone Fredriksson | Lost Princess
Fudge Placebo | I Melt on the Tongue
 MBE Davies | Theobroma cacao
Funtimes Foss | Too Sexy
Ener Bing | Je Maintiendrai
Gamma Infinity | Seeking the Unknown
 Jessica Lok | Playful Princess
Wrong Wright | riteously incorrect
Myrddin Delcon | Wizard
Serene Bechir | Poetess Princess
Jojamela Soon | Royal Music Procurer
Lillindrial Kamachi | Goddess of Love
Noctoon Edelweiss | The One And Only
BrianaLynn Jaxxon | Baby Princess
Kincent Lobo | Woman Eating Lion
Imelda Whitfield | Sultry Celestial
Akiko Koba | Denizen Of The Night
SexyPandora Bailey | Royal Thane
Fluffybunny Valiant | Hell's Angel
CuteMandy Hesse | Loyal Royal Princess
Buddy Takacs | The Ninja Prince
Lady Kendred | 1st Lady of Godiva
Candy Flanagan | Cupcake Princess
kdfang Sporleder | Prince of Prims
Landrew Larsson | Royal Procrastinator
River Kyomoon | Royal Fashionista
Sarah Sawson | Rose Princess
Reiko Iuga | Happy Sushi Girl
Munsta Levasseur | Baby Blue Eyes
Vincent Merricks | Royal Bard
Circe Broom | Royal Starmaker
Dagmar Klaar | The Royal Nutcracker
Gregor Kobeshimi | Mystical Music Man


I know there is alot of people up in rank that can have titles. If your a Duke/Duchess or Prince/Princess and want a title just get in touch with me in world. I will send you a notecard as to what you need to do.

Chocolate hugs
Queen Peachy

September 28, 2009 at 10:59 PM