We have an answer directly from the Emporer conscerning the Gold Bars:
Ultralite Soleil: The thing with the gold bars is....there is no way to use them now. I have something under development, but with RL and such, it's taking a lot longer to get it in the game. It will be cool and worth the wait. In the meanwhile I have turned off the discovery of new bars until there is a way to use them. They will eventually be easier to get, and they will be really worth something. But of course once that happens you'll never hear any comment from me about them :) They were extremely unlikely to find. After being available for weeks, only about 400 were ever found.
So, hope that will clear up your questions about the gold bar situation and please stay posted for them to return. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!
Labels: Godiva, Queen, Queen Peachy, Queendom, Queendom of Godiva, Second Life, tiny empires
We know our beloved Queen Peachy and Prince Xerxes well but I bet you never saw them like THIS!
Labels: Godiva, Queen, Queen Peachy, Queendom, Queendom of Godiva, Second Life, tiny empires
Labels: Godiva, Queen, Queen Peachy, Queendom, Queendom of Godiva, Second Life, tiny empires
OK I have been working on getting pics up for us because one of my fave things to do in SL is take photos. So, if you have a photo of ANYONE in our Queendom and would like to share it, please let me know. If you have signed up for a flickr account, (www.flickr.com), you may find all of the photos I have uploaded so far under Queendom of Godiva as well. Here is the direct link http://www.flickr.com/people/queendomofgodiva/ If you would like to add yourself as a contact, that would be GREAT! This isn't a requirement or anything it's just something fun to do.
As a word of caution, I know we are all grown or at least suppose to be but i have to say this. Please do not post any naked pics on the page. I love running around naked as much as anyone but people don't always want to see your business flappin' in the breeze! Anything else tho, funny, silly, or serious most definitely can be posted. If you would rather I do it for you it is fine to send it to me also.
Thanks for your cooperation and I hope you enjoy as this is my first time to do this! Here are some pics that I have been given and some that I have taken myself:
Godiva Girls Battle Hell Dagmar Mel Circe n Peachy Sept 30 08
Originally uploaded by Queendom of Godiva
Labels: Godiva, Queen, Queen Peachy, Queendom, Queendom of Godiva, Second Life, tiny empires
I was discussing with someone the other day about our Queendom and the conversation went along to alts and multiple version of SL. I realized my friend didn’t know that this was possible to do so being the helpful person I try to be I shared what knowledge I have obtained.
So, CAN YOU RUN MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF SL? While we don’t encourage it yes, it can be done. Alts are permitted and are often used in SL. For a VERY long time yours truly was totally against them until I found it necessary to think otherwise. Anywho, back to business. In order to run multiple versions of SL you need to go to the properties of the SL shortcut button and remove the string -set SystemLanguage en-us and replace it with a space then –multiple (ex: "C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe" -set SystemLanguage en-us –multiple) You can also invest in a program such as SL Starter which will allow you to run multiple clients and also manage your usernames and passwords.
Now what you DO with an alt IMHO is YOUR business I am just passing information along so please dont shoot the messenger *grins*. I will say this Alts are alot of work!!! Think wisely before getting one because for me, keeping ONE SL life is hard ‘nuff lol. It's your choice if you wish to make your alts public or keep their identity personal.
What you CANNOT DO under ANY circumstances is use a “bot” in TE. If you are found doing so not only will you be ejected from Godiva but you stand to be ejected from the game as well. See the TE main group past notices for more info on that one....directly from the Emporer's mouth erm, computer lol.
If you DO decide to use your alt in TE can you use them to benefit your liege and the Queendom?
Well yes you can do that too but if you use the alt is just to help bring in new people, or to help your subjects, you must try to continue playing them as best as possible in order to help your liege grow. We don’t want to create "dead players" under your subjects because nobody likes having to do ALL the work right? Soooooo, here are some tips on how you can use your alt to help your liege:
1. Alts can be used to take in new citizens for those that are using the Fed HUD.
2. Alts can be used to fix line breaks and boost players so you can merge lines or repair them.
3. You can offer to place your alt as a sub when bribing someone. This will boost all the players in the new line and thus help everyone in the line.
4. If a subject in your line is struggling with the game or considering leaving, you can place your alt under this subject so they can have someone earning acres and extra gold.
5. Alts can be used to bring in brand new players the Emporer assigs to the Queendom if you or others in the line are too high in rank to accept a Squire/ess or Wanderer.
These are just a few of the suggestions you can do with your alt. Personally yes, I have one and he/she/it does play TE. I use him/her/it mostly to camp which is the reason I got an alt so I can earn lindens lol BUT while camping, he/she/it also earns gold as well. And yes my alt is pretty much kept to myself.
Just remember, it is just a game……and please play it for the right reason…….its about the friendships we are creating in TE not about who is the #1 Queen/Kingdom in the Empire. Its nice to be #1 but if there is one thing I have learned in the past few months its this. I’d rather be the 50th Queen/Kingdom in the Empire with just a handful of truly good people that I have come to know and love than to be #1 and have to step on folks and stab people in the back to get there. It’s really not worth it to lose friends over at least not mine.
Labels: Godiva, Queen, Queen Peachy, Queendom, Queendom of Godiva, Second Life, tiny empires