
Nice to get here :)

GV Ener

[Jun 1130] Cristophe Kohime was granted the special title Nomen Nescio Prince Cristophe Kohime of the Queendom of Godiva.

Group Notice From: ~*Queendom of Godiva*~, Peachy Sassoon

Given this day in Godiva Thursday June 7, 2012 at 11:31am SLT

[Apr 1144] GabrielleBattitude Resident was granted the special title Godivia's Sweet GabrielleBattitude Resident of the Queendom of Godiva.

Lets shower her with chocolates

Queen Peachy


Thank you to my downline for making this possible :)

Group Notice From: ~*Queendom of Godiva*~, Peachy Sassoon

Congrats to Prince Magna Carta
Given this day Mon 5/28/12 @ 1:34PM SLT

[Feb 1171] Coziwantto Fairlady was granted the special title Magna Carta Prince Coziwantto Fairlady of the Queendom of Godiva.

Ancient potion

This was my first time the alchemist called me back and offered a Dark & Aged potion... Next time I got the ancient potion paying 1 goldbar.

Result; next time I'll have a 2 year trader :)

A new princess

[Dec 1166] GodivaLady Resident was promoted to Princess of the Queendom of Godiva.

[Nov 1167] GodivaLady Resident was granted the special title Always in GodivaLady Resident of the Queendom of Godiva.

Shower her with chocolates!

GV Ener

A Prince is titled

[Dec 1287] Kingdomof1 Resident was granted the special title Shirereef Prince Kin Kingdomof1 Resident of the Queendom of Godiva.

Shower him with chocolates!!

Queen Peachy

Sad news

Group Notice From: ~*Queendom of Godiva*~, Peachy Sassoon

Greetings m'lord and ladies of Godiva... It saddens me to pass along news of Count Keep Regent.. Princess Florry Blackmountain has informed me that he passed away in RL, please take a moment to remember him in your thoughts and prayers.

Your queen

A new Prince

A New Prince
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 17:14:27 GMT

Greetings m'lords and ladies of Godiva... We have a new Prince within... Lets shower him with chocolates

[Dec 1148] Kingdomof1 Resident was promoted to Prince of the Queendom of Godiva.

(ranked this day May 1, 2012 @ 10:14 am SLT)

            Promotion of Marquis Timon Mendle
            Saturday, 07 Apr 2012 16:08:40 GMT

                      Godivan Order of the Dragon

                      MARQUIS TIMON MENDLE
Has been promoted to the rank of  Dragon Lieutenant with all the privileges and power accomanying said title,  in recognition of his faithful service to this group and to his liege and our Queen.
       Draconigena Humanus Drachonus Avro

[Jan 1275] GodivaLady Resident was granted the special title Dutchess GodivaLady Resident of the Queendom of Godiva.

please shower her with chocolates!

GV Ener

Group Notice From: ~*Queendom of Godiva*~, Peachy Sassoon

[Mar 1241] Bree Himmel was granted the special title Princess HoneyBadger Bree Himmel of the Queendom of Godiva.

Lets all shower her with Chocolates

Group Notice From: ~*Queendom of Godiva*~, Peachy Sassoon

I have been asked to be allies with another Queendom...

Queendom of Imagination.

Have a great day Godiva's

Queen Peachy.

The charter of  TheAbsinthe Fairey's queendom:

Welcome to The Queendom of Imagination
Established 5th of July 2010
Our ethos is based in truth, love, peace and freedom.
Come in and make yourselves at home. Everyone can send notices, invite new members and  join in chat.
We are friends with Tintagel, DragonSong, Enlightenment, Acheron,  Aristalogy,  Truth, Shalom, Legacy of Migliore, Daoine Sidhe, Orleans,  Aletheia, Hestony and Godiva

So please no bribing there since they have wonderful values!

Tournament won...

Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 21:05:32 GMT

Greetings m'lord and ladies of Godiva. Sending out congrats to Princess SexyPandora Bailey for winning the joust today in the festival. Lets shower her with some chocolates.


Monday, Jan 9, 2012 in the evening TE stopped working. Here are thy emperor's post on that evening and about 9AM next morning and 6PM and Wednesday afternoon.

Early Thursday TE came back online. The emperor compensated the citizens:

Server PM Update
Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012 02:53:43 GMT

Thanks to some very poor response times from the company hosting the TE servers, I am still not in a situation where I can get on there and restore the database backup and get you all playing again.

Now it is looking like the game won't be running again until tomorrow. I am very sorry for the long delay. This is the worst downtime for TE in years.

More information as I learn it...


Another status update (Tuesday PM SLT)
Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012 02:47:18 GMT

Thanks to some very poor response times from the company hosting the TE servers, I am still not in a situation where I can get on there and restore the database backup and get you all playing again.

Now it is looking like the game won't be running again until tomorrow. I am very sorry for the long delay. This is the worst downtime for TE in years.

More information as I learn it...

Greetings all,
There is bad news and good news. Which shall I give first? ...

The bad news is that there has apparently been a catastrophic failure of some kind in the Tiny Empires servers and they will have to be rebuilt, which could take the rest of the day.

The good news is that I managed to grab a good backup before the failure, so nothing in the Tiny Empires games will be lost. Your acres and gold are safe.

I will update you more as I learn more.

Ultralite Soleil

Greetings all,

The Tiny Empires game server is down for some unexpected maintenance. I'm told the very best technicians are working on it as we speak, and I hope the game will be back up soon.

I will keep you updated as I hear more.
-- Ultralite Soleil

Kazim's boot

Thy Emperor offers a new item at festivals for Fed-hud users:  Kazim's boot.
You get an offer to buy and or sell goldbars.
A nice new feature!